What do you mean by “firstfruits”?

Proverbs 3:9-10 “Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing.” When we talk about giving, we often use the word “firstfruits,” but many people may not fully understand what it means. In a farming society (like that of Bible times), people depended heavily on the harvest. If the harvest was poor, the year would be a hungry one. If the harvest was good, they might be able to put some away for a bad year. How would you react if your very life depended on the harvest? I suspect we might be reluctant to give any of it away. After all, what if there isn’t enough? What if next year is worse? Especially, if I give away the very first part that I bring in, what if something happens (hail, flood, pillage) to the rest before I can gather it? We would want to save everything we could until we were certain that we were safe. God knew that, but He commanded the Israelites to demonstrate their trust in Him. After all, if...