Freedom, Godliness and Saving Faith

On Monday we observe Memorial Day. It isn’t just the beginning of summer, a day off from work and school. It is a holiday set aside to honor the memory of departed loved ones, especially those who died in the service of our country. Freedom isn't free. Our liberty has been bought and preserved at a great cost to those whose memory we honor again on Memorial Day. Freedom and liberty are such precious gifts that we should never take them for granted. We should hold them with a solemn sense of gratitude and responsibility, for liberty without responsibility quickly becomes license to do evil. Words like freedom and liberty are used to justify the right to promiscuity, pornography, suicide, abortion, and every kind of perversion, the right to say anything without considering its effect on others, and the right to stand toe-to-toe with anyone and say "In your face." But that's not really freedom. That's slavery, slavery to our old Adam. How sad to think that in...