Spur One Another On

The article title in the newspaper said “25 % of Swiss People Are Unbelievers.” Of course, the world in general, and the media in particular, love to report anything negative about the church. Good news doesn’t sell newspapers. However, looking at this article through the optimistic, evangelistic eyeglasses of God’s Kingdom workers, a better point of view would be “75% of Swiss People are Believers.” The article did have some interesting information, though. It said the interviewers found that the religious views of the Swiss are divided into four different groups. Those groups are: 1. The Distanced. The distanced are the folks who might attend church on occasion but for whom religion isn't all that important. They have beliefs, but the institutional church doesn't always shape those beliefs. 2. The Institutional. Although it isn't a very complimentary title, the Institutional folks are the ones for whom church is important and who are faithful attendees. 3. ...