The Promised Warrior

Isaiah 42:13 The Lord will march out like a champion, like a warrior he will stir up his zeal; with a shout he will raise the battle cry and will triumph over his enemies. We often picture Jesus in our artwork and in our minds as meek and mild, gentle and tender, always turning the other cheek. He has dinner parties with tax collectors and prostitutes. Children clamor to sit on his lap. He is a shepherd gathering hurt lambs in his arms and scared sheep around his feet. But the world views Jesus much differently. The world sees him as a wimp who is not tough enough for the real world where little kids fight, gunshots are heard almost nightly in some neighborhoods, and we have the most armed conflicts of any period in history. Or they picture Jesus as an apathetic god who doesn’t care there is hostility between races, between political parties, and within families. What is Jesus doing in the midst of our economic wars, wars on drugs, and the coming World ...