CW: 312 - "Lord Jesus Christ, You Have Prepared"
hymn was written by 17th century court physician, Samuel Kinner. Its
eight stanzas were published in 1638 and
the hymn was entitled, “A Beautiful Hymn on the Supper of the Lord.”
11:28 ). One of the
Personal Prayers for Worship found on page 11 of Christian Worship: A Lutheran
Hymnal is to be prayed before communion: “Lord, I am not worthy to be a guest
at your holy table. But you are a friend of sinners, and you will not cast me
out. This bread is your body, which bore my sins upon the tree. This wine is
your blood, which purifies me from all guilt. At your invitation, I come
rejoicing. Receive me, my Savior.” As the hymn puts it, “As weary souls, with sin
oppressed, We come to you for needed rest, For comfort, and for pardon.”
Concord quotes
Martin Luther on this subject: “I do not want to deny in any that God’s power
is able to make a body be simultaneously in many places, even in a corporeal
and circumscribed manner. For who wants to try to prove that God is unable to
do that? Who has seen the limits of His power? The fanatics may indeed think
that God is unable to do it, but who will believe their speculations?” (Formula
of Concord , Epitome,
Article VII, paragraph 103). Stanza 3 puts it simply, “Yet, Savior, you are not
confined to any habitation.” Then there is a little reference to those who deny
Christ’s Real Presence in the Lord’s Supper, “Unmoved by any daring hand or
subtle craft and cunning.”
Lutheran Church to receive
the Sacrament for forgiveness, new life and salvation! This sacrament is
special to our new confirmands and it is special to those on their death-bed.
How can it now be?! We pray that God may preserve us and keep us focused on His
sacraments throughout our lifetime, so that we weak sinners may be comforted
and forgiven unto life everlasting.
are so blessed in the Lutheran church with hymnody that clearly explains our
beliefs concerning the sacraments. In fact, this is one of the clearest reasons
why it is so important for us to use Lutheran worship resources in our worship
life. A common communion hymn that is sung by communicants as they are
preparing to receive the Sacrament is “Lord Jesus Christ, You Have Prepared.”
Why is the Lord’s Supper called a “feast for our salvation?”
The sacrament of the altar is a little
preview, or foretaste, of the heavenly banquet that is being prepared for us by
Christ. The prayer after communion in the Divine Service states, “We give you thanks, O Lord, for the foretaste of the heavenly banquet
that you have given us to eat and to drink in this sacrament.” Christ is our
host, who invites us weary sinners to this meal to receive pardon for our sins
and comfort for our souls. Christ is not only the host at this meal, He is also
the meal itself. The bread and the wine are His true body and blood, shed for
us for the forgiveness of sins.
Should a communicant approach the communion rail if she is bothered by her sin,
her faith is weak or she is troubled and feeling guilty?
Of course! That’s what the Sacrament is
for! “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest”
3. We confess in our creeds that Jesus has risen
from the dead, ascended into heaven and now sits at the right hand of God the
Father almighty. If He is still there, seated at the right hand of God, how can
Jesus also be present in the Lord’s Supper?
Jesus has promised
to be with us always, even to the end of the age (Matthew 28), and He has
promised that where two or three are gathered together, there He is among them
(Matthew 18). The sacrament of the altar forms a concrete, specific,
physical way in which Christ is present among us today, as the next stanza
shows. The Formula of
What four things do we receive when we partake of the Lord’s Supper? Why do we
believe this?
Stanza 4 summarizes, “We eat this bread
and drink this cup, your precious Word believing that your true body and your
blood our lips are here receiving.” We receive four things – bread and wine,
body and blood. We believe this, as the fourth stanza continues, “This Word
remains forever true, and there is naught you cannot do, for you, Lord, are
almighty.” How is it possible that Christ can be seated at the right hand of
God and also be present in bread and wine all over the world at the same time?
We are not given the metaphysics to have an answer to that question, but we do
trust that all things are possible for our Lord. The last line of stanza 5
recaps, “I trust its truth unfailing.”
Stanza 6 takes us back to where we started – as weary, oppressed sinners who
struggle through our lives. This stanza is an earnest prayer to God for help when
we are overcome with doubts. What are we praying in this sixth stanza?
When we pray in this stanza that we are
but dust, we are admitting to God that we are so weak in our sinful state that
we cannot possibly stand up to the attacks of the devil, the world, and our
sinful nature. We then turn to our source of strength, the body and blood of
our Lord, which refreshes us and is the most priceless treasure that we have.
How are the words of stanza 7 similar to the words your pastor speaks when he
dismisses you from the communion table saying, “And now may this, the true body
and blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, strengthen and preserve you unto
life everlasting. Depart in peace. Amen.”?
We come to the communion table nothing
but dust and sin, but we leave strengthened by this meal for a life of service.
This life of service is lived purely out of thanksgiving to God for the life
and grace that He freely gives to us. We pray that our holiness may always
Why is the Lord’s Supper such a blessed comfort when living and when dying?
I won’t even attempt to go into all the
different abuses that have come against the sacrament over the ages, but there
have been many. Satan wants nothing more than to pull us away from this blessed,
life-giving treasure. How terrible and terrifying! These false prophets and
false doctrines deny the comfort and consolation the Lord wishes to grant His
people in this sacrament. How blessed we are in the
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