Luther on dealing with demon possession
The Gospel lesson for
this Sunday presents how Jesus expelled a demon from a man in the Capernaum synagogue. I have been studying demon possession for this
Sunday’s sermon. Here are some of the things that I found about Luther dealing
with demon possession:
"Once, during
the life of Dr. Martin Luther, a young woman was brought to Wittenberg who was born in the land of Meissen , who was often vexed and tormented by the devil. And a
letter was written to blessed Dr. Martin that he should save and rescue this
young woman, who was 18 years old, from the evil spirit. When this virgin was
brought to Dr. Martin, he asked her at that time whether she could say her
faith [the creed]. She answered, 'Yes.' Then the blessed Dr. Martin commanded
her to say it. As she now began and came to the article [of the creed] and
these words, 'And I believe in Jesus Christ, His only-begotten Son, our Lord,'
she could no longer speak, but the evil spirit began to convulse and torment
her. Then Dr. Luther spoke, 'I know you well, you devil. You would really like
it if someone would set up a big ceremony with you and celebrate you greatly.
You will find none of that with me.' Then he commanded that she be brought to
his sermon in the church on the next day, and afterwards be brought into the
sacristy, and he told the other servants of the church to come into the
sacristy in addition.
The virgin was
obedient and came to the sermon of the doctor, but afterwards, when they wanted
to bring her into the sacristy, she fell down and struck and convulsed around,
so that several students had to carry her into the sacristy and lay her at the
feet of blessed Dr. Martin, and they locked the door to the sacristy, and all
the servants of the church with several students stayed therein.
Then Dr. Martin
began, and made this short admonition to the servants of the Church, which
should be well observed by all preachers of the divine Word who find themselves
in the same situation, and they should do nothing different.

After this procedure,
they took the young woman the next day back to Meissen from Wittenberg . And afterwards they wrote and reported several times to
Dr. Luther and others that the evil spirit after this no longer tormented and
convulsed the girl as previously." – Höker, in Dunte, Conscientiae,
pp. 100-103.
This example is quite
similar to the exorcism before Baptism in Luther's Taufbüchlein: Imposition of
hands, Our Father, Creed, prayers. Luther's Table Talk is full of examples, in
the section on the devil and his works.
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