Jesus' power and grace
In this short, well-known account we see a tremendous combination in Jesus: amazing power and amazing grace. The power is easy to find. He is the Son of God who was present at creation and whose power over nature cannot be denied. He demonstrates his control over the laws of chemistry and physics as he walks on water without getting wet. He tells the winds and waves to cease, and the sea is instantly calm. He transports a boat to shore in a heartbeat without sails, oars or a motor (John 6:21 ). His power is undeniable. And so is his grace. When the disciples are afraid of drowning, Jesus comes near to them. When they are afraid he is a ghost, Jesus calms them by identifying himself. When Peter makes a bold request, Jesus grants it. Now let’s zoom in to look a little closer. Stop and think for a minute. Do you suppose that Jesus was surprised by what happened next? Or did he know full well how this episode would play out? Was he playing a cruel joke on Peter, letting him...