No mercy
In the original Karate Kid movie, the main character entered his penultimate match with an injured knee. The antagonist’s coach advised his fighter, “Sweep the knee. No mercy.” A boxer who sees a gash over his opponent’s eye makes the effort to exploit it to his advantage. In the fight for our souls, the devil will not stop to exploit every advantage he sees. Should we be surprised that he fights dirty? He shows no mercy; he hits us where we already hurt. Such is the nature of our enemy. And, that’s the essence of sin and the guilt of sin. Guilt is an injury to our soul that exposes us to further pain. Isaiah felt the pain of his sin most acutely in his mouth. So intense was his guilt that he called woe and ruin on himself. How could a man like Isaiah speak of the purity of the Holy Trinity when his mouth was so filthy with sin? In a dramatic scene, an angel touches a coal to Isaiah’s lips, the very place he sen...