"I am baptized!"

On Wednesday, I brought Cameron, who is a first grader here at Wisconsin Lutheran School, up to the baptismal font to speak to him about his upcoming baptism. I explained that I would make the sign of the cross on his head and heart to mark him as a child of God. Then I would pour water on his head and baptize him. I asked him if he had any questions. He asked, “So do I get a tattoo on my forehead?”

What a great way to remember your baptism! When the pastor made the sign of the cross over your head and heart so many years ago, you were tattooed. God can see your tattoo of the cross. It marks you as a redeemed, blood-bought, washed and sainted, child of God. No one can take that away from you. Now you live like a redeemed, blood-bought, washed, sainted and tattooed child of God.

But others should be able to see your tattoo as well. When they hear the words that come from your mouth, when they listen to the music on your I-pod, when they read what you email and text and twitter, when they see the way you live your life and interact with your spouse, children, co-workers and complete strangers, they should be able to recognize that you are a baptized child of God.

There is a wonderful new hymn in our Christian Worship Supplement entitled "God's Own Child, I Gladly Say It" by Erdmann Neumeister. The text of this hymn is gold. Neumeister's hymn expresses the truths about Holy Baptism so beautifully. Read the text of this hymn over. Study. Teach it to your children so they too can appreciate what it means to be baptized into Christ. They too are children of paradise!
We sang in our Hymn of the Day, “I am baptized into Christ!” The text of this hymn is gold. Take it home, study it, teach it to your children so they too can share the comfort of what it means to be baptized into Christ. That they too are children of paradise!

737 God’s Own Child, I Gladly Say It
1 God’s own child, I gladly say it:
I am baptized into Christ!
He, because I could not pay it,
Gave my full redemption price.
Do I need earth’s treasures many?
I have one worth more than any
That brought me salvation free,
Lasting to eternity!

2 Sin, disturb my soul no longer:
I am baptized into Christ!
I have comfort even stronger:
Jesus’ cleansing sacrifice.
Should a guilty conscience seize me
Since my baptism did release me
In a dear forgiving flood,
Sprinkling me with Jesus’ blood?

3 Satan, hear this proclamation:
I am baptized into Christ!
Drop your ugly accusation;
I am not so soon enticed.
Now that to the font I’ve traveled,
All your might has come unraveled,
And, against your tyranny,
God, my Lord, unites with me!

4 Death, you cannot end my gladness:
I am baptized into Christ!
When I die, I leave all sadness
To inherit paradise!
Though I lie in dust and ashes
Faith’s assurance brightly flashes:
Baptism has the strength divine
To make life immortal mine.

5 There is nothing worth comparing
To this lifelong comfort sure!
Open-eyed my grave is staring:
Even there I’ll sleep secure.
Though my flesh awaits its raising,
Still my soul continues praising:
I am baptized into Christ;
I’m a child of paradise!

As Christians, your baptism is never an I WAS, but always an I AM. It is not a past event, a baby thing, but an ongoing and continuing reality. When the devil attacks us we need not fear him but boldly proclaim, “I am baptized! Devil, you have been defeated.” When sin overcomes us and assaults our conscience, we boldly confess, “I am baptized! My sin is forgiven.” When death or distress come upon us, and the devil tries to make us think we are unworthy of God and destined for nothing but hell, we boldly insist, “I am baptized! And heaven is open to me. For the One whose sandals even the great John was not worthy to untie, has come to me, so unworthy, and has made even me worthy.”

“Yes, I am baptized! And heaven is open to me!” How great is that? We have died to sin and been raised in our baptism to a new life. A new life set free from sin and death. A new life of faith. A new life as a child of God. A child anointed by the Holy Spirit . . . with whom your heavenly Father is well pleased . . . and to whom heaven is open!


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