Whether we live or die

On Tuesday I attended the Christian funeral of Captain John Wright, Sr. in Radcliff, Kentucky. John had been "the treasurer for life" at the mission congregation at Faith Lutheran Church. When you are a member of a mission congregation, you have to serve.

On Friday will be the Christian funeral of Lyle Rigby, one of Epiphany's longtime members. Lyle lived for decades across from the church and served his church home in countless ways. With so many members, it wasn't a matter of having to serve, but truly desiring to serve.

But it wasn't their service that set John and Lyle apart. What set them apart was that they belonged to the Lord.

With two funerals in one week, these words by Martin Luther are a great reminder and comfort.

"Whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. We belong to none other than the Lord. This is our greatest comfort and joy: that we have as our Lord He to whom the Father has given all power in heaven and on earth and has placed all things in His hands. Who, then, could possibly do us harm? The devil may very well attack us with his murderous rage, but he will never snatch us from the Lord’s hand. For we who believe in Jesus Christ and live under His guardianship have also become lords ourselves over the devil, sin, death, etc. In order that such lordship might be ours, He was made man for our sake. He appealed to the Father on our behalf and so loves us in this way: He was condemned, offering Himself up for our sakes. With His precious blood He purchased us and washed us clean from sin. Still more He has placed in our hearts the Holy Spirit, the pledge of our inheritance and blessedness, making us kings and priests for God and joint heirs with Himself. This is most certainly true." — Martin Luther


  1. Thank God that he placed these men in unique positions to set them apart. They should be honored. And thank God for the unlimited opportunities to serve him daily. "To make your election sure". Aren't we all full time called workers?

    I like this blog! It makes me think! Carl


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