Putting on the Jersey

Just three little words, but in the arena of college athletics they speak volumes: Notre Dame Football.

For generations the Fighting Irish have stockpiled more national championships, more Heisman Trophies, and more all-Americans than any other school in America. It's the Fort Knox of athletics; the Who's Who of intercollegiate sports.

The school's legendary past is a story Hollywood loves to tell. Only at Notre Dame could Knute Rockne qualify for sainthood by coaxing his team to "win one for the Gipper." And, for whatever reason, success came to the Golden Dome. But with all that success came high expectations, too.

To indelibly reinforce those expectations, each spring the Notre Dame Coaches gather the team together for The Ceremony of the Jersey. It's an annual event where each new recruit is presented with the football jersey he'll be wearing in the upcoming season. At any other school this may have little meaning but at Notre Dame it's like a visit to a museum.

As each player is brought forward, he's presented with his new jersey as a scroll is read, naming each of the legends who've worn that number before – their names, achievements, and degrees. The final name on the scroll belongs to the new recruit who'll be wearing it.

The implication is obvious; wear the jersey with distinction, carry on the proud tradition, be worthy of the honor.

Our ministry is a lot like that. We follow in a long line of notables. Some we were fortunate enough to meet, most we've only heard about. They were faithful teachers who left their mark. They carried their birthright well. Their message was their signature; their godly life was their visual aid. The world may have overlooked them but it felt their impact.

Every century has those kinds of mentors – men and women who've fought the good fight, who've finished the course, who've kept the faith. They took the baton from one generation and passed it to the next.

Each time Samuel stood to judge Israel he carried the tradition of Gideon, Samson, Deborah, Jephthah, and others. He wore their jersey well.

When seven-year old Joash became King of Judah he chose to wear the jersey of his godly predecessors.

Two-hundred years later, eight-year-old Josiah was crowned king. His favorite story must have been of the other young king who began to reign while in grammar school. No wonder Josiah brought revival to the land-he was only doing what his hero did. The jersey fit.

Hebrews 11 is filled with a roster of champions, who wore the jersey; who lettered in faith.

The Philippians were a constant source of joy for Paul. They were his earthly reward for making a courageous career move. And, during all the hostile beatings, and all the lonely nights in prison, he would remember "my joy and crown" in Philippi. They were wearing his jersey.

You are wearing Christ’s jersey right now. The fitting room is every worship service, Bible study, and ministry meeting. Wear it with distinction and be worthy of its honor.


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