Prayer for Baptism of Our Lord

Prayer of the Church for the Baptism of Our Lord

Heavenly Father, at Jesus’ Baptism You honored Your eternal Son and poured out Your Holy Spirit on Him. By that same Spirit keep us, and all the baptized, faithful in the confession of Your holy name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Heavenly Father, at Jesus’ Baptism He was declared to be the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Make Your pastors and missionaries, and all Your people, faithful and bold in proclaiming Jesus’ saving work to all. Encourage and sustain those persecuted for Christ’s sake.

Heavenly Father, Your Son instituted Holy Baptism as a blessed adoption into Your family. We thank you that you have adopted these people into your family through Baptism at Epiphany this year:

• Tiffany Tucker, Haley Tucker and Taylor Tucker on January 10, 2010
• Spencer Smith on May 1
• Elias Hefti on August 22
• Cameron Dederich on September 8
• Elijah Davis, Amara Davis and Amelia Davis on September 26
• Eric Wasuric on October 24
• Jaykob Thompson on October 31
• Miranda Kosterman today

Be with them. Bless them. Encourage them to remain strong in your Word and make use of the blessings of their Baptism so they may grow in their faith, life a new life in you and receive eternal salvation through their baptismal waters.

Heavenly Father, watch over pregnant mothers, and parents with young children. Enable them to bring their children to You in Baptism, that together parents and children may have eternal life in Your name.

Heavenly Father, at Jesus’ Baptism He began His ministry as the physician of body and soul. According to Your will, enable doctors, nurses, and all health care workers to be successful in bringing relief to the sick and injured (especially ___________).

Heavenly Father, at Jesus’ Baptism the gates of heaven were opened. Comfort those who mourn (the death of _________) with the open path to heaven given to all who believe and are baptized in Christ. Teach us to number our days and to rejoice in the eternal life already given to us in our heavenly washing.

Heavenly Father, at Jesus’ Baptism He stood at the Jordan with a multitude of sinners. Now He is seated at the right hand of the Father together with a multitude of saints. Receive our thanks for those who have died in Christ and yet still live in Him. Keep us in fellowship with them and with all the saints on earth; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.


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