Lutheran Satire Episode 1

I love answering Bible questions, so if you have any, bring them on. I may not know the answer, but I'll definitely take the time to study the subject and find out for you.

Bible knowledge is good, but it is not the end.

Reading the Bible like a newspaper can mean we note with interest what God did in the lives of Abraham, Job, or Mary, or we nod in agreement that Jesus rose from the dead and ascended into heaven. Facts fill our heads as much as “two plus two equals four” is a piece of data stored in some file folder in our brain.

The 1st century Christians “raised their voices together in prayer to God, ‘Sovereign Lord …Indeed Herod and Pontius Pilate met together with the Gentiles and the people of Israel in this city to conspire against your holy servant Jesus … Now, Lord … enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness” (Acts 4:23ff).

Bible knowledge is good, but it is not the end of listening to God’s Word.
These 1st century believers not only knew the Scriptures, but applied them to their circumstances, then they held these living truths in heart and mouth, revoicing God’s words to God in prayer and to others in witness.
God speaks to us in his Word not as a lecture about our bad behavior but as a love letter eager for our reply, not as a monologue to gain our attention but as a dialogue to engage our involvement.

Listen to God and revoice his precious words back to him in prayer. He’s eager to hear from you. Listen to God and revoice his life-changing words by speaking to others about him, with great boldness when required.

Don’t just read the Bible. Don't just ask questions about it. Love it. Learn from it. Live it.


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