Christ's Love, Our Calling - Different Gifts, Same Grace

Over the past month we have focused on Different Gifts, Same Grace. We have preached God’s Word on the subject. We have taught God’s Word with this emphasis. Now, as a congregation of Christians, we can be confident. Why? The Lord promises us that “faith comes from hearing the message” (Romans 10:17). We can be confident that the faith of our Epiphany family has grown. Jesus makes us this promise: “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). We are connected to Christ! We are fruitful through Christ.

You now hold an opportunity in your hands to exercise your faith and bear fruits for Christ. What sort of fruits? The careful use of the talents God has given you. Jesus is the head of the body. As the Church’s Head, Jesus gives every one of His body’s member’s talents and abilities. We use them to God’s glory. We bury them to our shame. We use them to promote the salvation of our fellow man. We neglect them to the detriment of the Church’s mission. Translation: when it comes to our talents, the personal stakes are high!

At the same time as we commit our talents to God’s glory we take this opportunity to renew our commitment for the coming year. Our ministry at Epiphany has been richly blessed, in spite of a difficult few years in our nation.

Look at what we have accomplished the past few years:
·         A new church sign on Olive St.
·         The expansion and addition of new playground equipment in The Pit.
·         The resurfacing of the church parking lot.
·         The repair and restoration of the pipe organ.
·         The hardwood floors and comfortable living room furniture in the Parish House.
·         The new upstairs bathrooms and remodeled basement bathrooms in the church.
·         The remodeling and repainting of the church.
·         The new arches which will, Lord willing, have beautiful paintings inside them very soon.
·         Raising over $50,000 to pay off our debt to the bank.
·         The increased number of Epiphany children at WLS from 30 a few years ago to 70+ this year.
·         The growth in communicant members and baptized souls at Epiphany.
·         The continued involvement of children and adults in our Sunday School and various Adult Bible Classes.
·         And many other unnamed, sometimes hidden, sometimes smaller, sometimes greater, sometimes physical, sometimes spiritual blessings.

All of this accomplished by God’s grace!

All of this accomplished by God’s grace flowing through your offerings and talents.

With thanks for God’s blessings in the years past and with faith counting on His blessings in the year ahead, I encourage you to continue to give generously in your offerings, remain committed in your service to the Lord – and above all, be faithful in giving glory to God.

“Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your Master’s happiness” (Matthew 25:21)

Christ’s love is our calling. After hearing God’s Word on this subject, we know that we all have Different Gifts, but share in the Same Grace. God’s gift of talents is one of His chief blessings to us. May we use them well until we enter eternity with Him. Until then, let the encouragement of the hymn fill your hearts:

“We give our minds to understand your ways;
Hands, eyes, and voice to serve your great design;
Hearts with the flame of your own love ablaze -
Thus for your glory all our pow’rs combine.” (CW 483 v. 2)

Blessings in Christ,
Pastor Michael D. Zarling


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