Summer Worship

Dear fellow worshipers,

Every year in the summer we see some wonderful changes taking place. We enjoy beautiful weather. School is not is session so we have more time for fun family outings and get-togethers. Often we are able to plan a vacation, even if it is local, enjoying our amazing beach, zoo and bike paths. Those are all great changes and great blessings!

God does not take time off from blessing you during the summer months. It only makes sense that you would not take time off from blessing God with your worship during those same summer months. Our worship times remain the same in June, July and August. Bible Classes and Sunday School meet as they do in the fall, winter and spring.

Use these summer months of beautiful weather and family time to gather together with your family on a nice summer Sunday in God’s House for worship. (We even have air conditioning at Epiphany!) Then go outside to play.

May all of us do everything in our power to stay in touch with God’s Word and His Sacraments through the summer and into the fall. And may God bless us for it!

In our Savior’s service,
The Epiphany Worship Committee

 Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another-- and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:25


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