
Did you know that long before you were born – yes, even before the creation of the world – God chose you as one of his believers? Does it boggle your mind to know your belief in Christ was planned by God from eternity? God wants His dear children to know about predestination – how He has elected, chosen and called you by His grace. God wants you to be comforted and encouraged as you search the Scriptures to find out more about this important Biblical doctrine.
Predestination is a deep teaching. It is not the “milk” given to novices and new converts. It is “solid food” (1 Corinthians 3:2). NPH rates their Bible studies on a scale of 1 to 10. Predestination is a 12! (Actually, it’s only a 7, but it should be higher.) But don’t let this deep teaching of Scripture scare you away. Instead, join with the psalmist in praying, “Let me understand the teaching of your precepts; then I will meditate on your wonders” (Psalm 119:27).


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