Special services at Epiphany in November

The Season of End Times

"I'll be back." That's what Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Terminator, promised in his movie. And he did; he came back. During World War II, General George MacArthur promised, "I shall return." He did.

During the last weeks of the Church Year, we hear our Lord Jesus talk about His return in glory on the Last Day. Jesus teaches, "Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming" (Matthew 25:1-13). These words of Jesus draw us to the end of all things. His words are infinitely more reliable than those of the Terminator or General MacArthur. The only begotten Son of the Father has promised to return to judge the living and the dead. As Jesus' words from Matthew 25 demonstrate, this return carries with it both judgment and joy.

The Church Year ends on this theme of the Lord's return even as in the calendar year autumn fades and winter begins. The death that we see in nature reminds us of the reality that one day we too will die and this world as we know it will be destroyed. And with death comes judgment. This judgment will not be a self-rendered evaluation but God's own verdict over our life.

Celebrate the End Times of the Church year with these special services this month:

The Last Judgment – November 4

Walking Together Sunday – November 11

Saints Triumphant – November 18

Christ the King – November 25

Thanksgiving Eve worship with communion

Ice cream and pie social after

Crisp blue-sky days. The faintly sweet smell of wood smoke. Turkey and stuffing. Choosing the perfect pumpkin. The greatest joy is noticing the small things – and giving thanks. This season, bring your family and join us at Epiphany for a time of thanksgiving. Rediscover the contentment that only comes through a grateful heart. We’re celebrating Thanksgiving on Wednesday, November 21 at 6:30 pm. We give thanks to the Lord by also graciously receiving His body and blood in His Sacrament.

Bring a pie to share after the service for our old-fashioned ice cream and pie social.


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