Love to Worship!

Can you imagine a packed Packer crowd watching its team win the Central Division Championship at Lambeau Field … and sitting quietly as the game ends? Do you think that there would be even be one person in the stadium who would be indifferent? Bored? Lethargic? Not a chance!
Everything good in our lives can be traced directly or indirectly back to the Triune God. Flaming sunsets, summer rain, grand canyons, purple mountain majesties - all from Him! Our amazing human bodies, families and friends, constantly replenished food supply - all from Him! Our spiritual rescue on Calvary, our triumph over sin, death, hell, and Satan, the everlasting home waiting for us - all from Him!
Let me hear you! Are you ready for some worship? Make some noise! "Give thanks to the Lord; call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done. Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts" (Psalm 105:1-2).
I’ll see you in church this Sunday! Bring your family. Bring other fans. Bring your excitement. Bring your voices. Bring your praises!
(But you can leave your cheeseheads and foam fingers in the car.)


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