We are singing for the Lord is our light

What frightens you? Is it topophobia – the fear of speaking in public? Or perhaps – arachnophobia – the fear of spiders? Or could it be acrophobia – the fear of heights? Those are all pretty popular fears.

You are a rare person if there is not something that sends a cold shiver down your spine.

The greatest fear of all is living a life without God. It is living apart from God now so that we live apart from Him for all eternity. Truthfully, I can think of nothing that could possibly be more frightening!

Listen this Sunday as our WLS children sing a South African hymn entitled, “We Are Singing for the Lord is Our Light.” It is a paraphrase of Psalm 27. Our children are not afraid of the devil or death or separation from God. Why not? Because they know that the Lord is the Light of their salvation. He is the Light shining in the darkness of this sinful world. He is the Light that burst forth from the tomb on Easter morning and continues to shine for all eternity.

Join us this Sunday at Epiphany Lutheran Church as we rejoice that: “The Lord is my light and my salvation – whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life – of whom shall I be afraid?”


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