Maundy Thursday worship tonight at 6:30 pm

Today begins the Triduum – “three holy days” connected into a single service. These three days mark the climax of the Christian Year – Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil. Together they form a unit. Therefore at the end of our worship this evening, there is no blessing or postlude. The service will continue tomorrow at 1:00 pm with the Good Friday Service of the Cross and at 6:30 pm with the Good Friday Tenebrae Service (Service of Darkness). The Triduum concludes with the Easter Vigil at 8:00 pm on Saturday as we host a vigil waiting for Christ to rise from His grave.

Tonight’s worship is at 6:30 pm as we consider the Peace we find at Jesus’ cross. Tomorrow we behold Jesus’ Endurance at the cross. All so that we can rejoice in Jesus’ Triumph at the cross on Easter morning.


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