I'm going to pick a fight

“I’m going to pick a fight.” This is one of my favorite lines from one of my favorite movies – “Braveheart.”
At one point in the movie, the Scots are about to go into battle against the English. The Scots are greatly outnumbered by the well-armed, well-trained English forces. Before peaceful negotiations and more concessions by the Scots can be made, William Wallace (played by Mel Gibson) stirs things up by telling his Scottish friends, “I’m going to pick a fight.”
I won’t go into all the details, but Wallace did taunt and mock the English … until there was a fight. And the Scots won!
German artist, Lucas Cranach the Younger, portrays the prophet Elijah picking a fight with the prophets of Baal on top of Mount Carmel. Both Lucas Cranach the Elder and his son, Lucas Cranach the Younger, were good friends with Martin Luther and strong supporters of the Lutheran Reformation. They each painted several portraits of Luther throughout his life.
In this particular painting of Elijah and the Prophets of Baal, Cranach depicts 1 Kings 18:16-45. It is the Old Testament Scripture lesson for the 5th Sunday of Easter in our Lutheran churches. Israel’s King Ahab and his wife, Jezebel, promoted Baal worship to such an extent that it became the dominant religion of the land.
Elijah picks a fight with Ahab. Amazingly, he is telling the king what to do! He commands the king, “Now summon the people from all over Israel to meet me on Mount Carmel. And bring the four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal and the four hundred prophets of Asherah, who eat at Jezebel's table.”
Ahab obeys and word is sent through all Israel that there will be showdown on Mount Carmel.
Elijah then challenges the people of Israel, “How long will you waver between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him.” The people stood there with glazed expressions on their faces saying nothing. 
Elijah proposes a test so the people cannot remain divided. Two altars are built – one for the false god Baal and one for the true God. Cranach portrays the dramatic moment when Elijah calls for God to ignite his offering, and the bull on the altar bursts into flame. Elijah’s altar is on the left side in the foreground. It has been drenched with water three times. The dark cloud in the center of the painting represents the Lord. The fire of the Lord falls from heaven and consumes the altar and sacrifice. Even the water in the trench around the altar is touched by the flame.
Elijah is standing on the right of the altar with his arms raised in prayer. In the lower left corner, Elijah’s assistants stand with their empty water jars.
The altar of Baal is on the right. Its wood and sacrifice remain untouched by Baal. The Baal prophets continue to dance and pray even as the altar built by Elijah is consumed by flames.
King Ahab is standing between the altars. The much larger crowd in the center and on the right are still aligned with Baal. The smaller crowd on the left falls to the ground in awe crying, “The Lord – He is God. The Lord – He is God.”
If you look closely at the background in the far upper left corner, you will see the slaughter of the Baal prophets in the Kishon Valley after their defeat.
Elijah was willing to pick a fight. He was willing to stand up for the one true God in an age of false gods, failed worship, and faulty morality.
Hmm. Does that sound familiar?
We live in an age where evolution trumps creationism. Where NFL and NBA stars are promoted for their homosexual lifestyles, while Christians who speak up for God’s design of marriage are decried. Where a woman can record her abortion and put it on YouTube, while true preaching of Christ’s Gospel is seen as unnecessary at best and hate-filled at worst.
Is it time for us to pick a fight? I’m not talking about a physical fight. I bruise like a giant peach. I’m speaking of a spiritual fight against the very forces of evil. The devil was behind Baal and he is behind every false god and false belief today.
So how can you fight?
Simply stand up for what you believe.
Don’t be divided.
Let people know whose side you are on.
Lift high the cross.
Pray in public.
Worship the Lord.
Study God’s Word – all of it.
Share the demands of a holy and righteous God.
Share the love of Christ that covers God’s anger over our unholiness and unrighteousness.
Hold to the truth of God’s Word.
Tell others about that truth.
Profess the name of Christ … loudly … boldly … proudly.
In an age of false gods, failed worship, and faulty morality – pick a fight.

We have the Lord of heaven and earth on our side. Who do you think is going to win? J


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