The mystery of the Trinity

The story is told about the great theologian St. Augustine who lived 354-430 A.D. As Augustine struggled with this question of how to understand or how to explain the Trinity, he claims to have had a dream. His dream was this. One day St. Augustine was walking along the seashore. During his walk, he came upon a little boy. This young lad had dug a hole in the sand and was dipping water out of the ocean into the little hole in the sand. 

After watching the boy for a while, Augustine finally said to him: "What are you doing?"

The little boy said, "Sir, with this pail I am going to dip the water of the entire ocean into this hole in the sand."

"But," said St. Augustine, "you will never be able to do that. It is too foolish!"

"You are right," said the child. "And it is just as foolish for you to try to empty the mysteries of the infinite Triune God with the little dipper of your mind."

Yes, because the doctrine of the Trinity is so un-understandable, so unexplainable and so far from the grasp of the human mind, all we can do is believe in our Three-in-one God and worship Him. 


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