Follow Me

Certain people are hard to follow.  All it takes is one yellow light to mess everything up.  The driver in front has to quickly decide if he should slam on the brakes while the one behind is deciding if he should floor it.  Depending on who the driver is an invitation to "Follow me!" is not always welcome.

Sin filled humans can dread this invitation from Jesus: "Follow me."  We know that we are distracted drivers.  We know we might not be close enough when the light turns yellow.  We know that this world, the Devil and our flesh will try to cut us off.  We can also worry about what this invitation has in store for us.  Jesus may well lead us to places we would rather not go.

But Jesus does more than just invite.  He provides everything we need to follow.  He is not an impatient husband in the lead car getting more and more angry as his spouse falls behind in the rear view mirror.  He patiently provides us with what we need right when we need it to keep us on this path.  Nathanael heard what he needed to hear about his fig tree resting spot and knew the divine power that came along with the invitation. Through his Means of Grace God provides the same for you today.


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