Restore the Roar!

The Detroit Lions—a largely hapless NFL franchise—have as one of their cheers, “Restore the Roar!” The Book of Amos has this as its singular goal: to restore the rightful roar from the Lion, Lord Yahweh, the God of Israel. The temptation is to put our hands over our ears to drown out His roar. The world, the devil, and our old Adam tempt us to clip the claws on the Lion and clean up His bloody Passion we are called to follow. But the Bride of Christ is called to holy reverence before the Lord, the King of the universe. Beginning with Ash Wednesday and climaxing with His resurrection roar on Easter morning, we will listen and learn from the Lion using the Book of Amos.

Feb 10 Pastor Peters  Amos 1:1-2 Rescued from the Rubble

Feb 17 Pastor Wierschke  Amos 3:1-8 Upside Down

Feb 24 Pastor Janke  Amos 5:18 This is the Night the Lord Has Made

Mar 2 Pastor Burgess  Amos 6:6 Grieving for Joseph

Mar 9 Pastor Bauer Amos 7:1-6 Locusts Here, Locusts There, Locusts Seem to Be Everywhere

Mar 16 Pastor Zarling  Amos 7:10-17 Lion Alert!


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