The importance of Epiphany's Sunday School ministry

I would like to share the Ministry of Epiphany Sunday School with you.

To start let’s read Proverbs 22, verse 6: ‘Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.’

Epiphany offers a Sunday School that is open to all:
1. For kids that don’t attend WLS, Sunday School assists parents with giving their children a good knowledge of the Biblical narrative, both the Old and New Testaments.

2. For kids that attend WLS, Sunday School reinforces what the kids are learning at WLS, and assists parents with giving their children a good knowledge of the Biblical narrative, both the Old and New Testaments.

• Note that for all kids, Sunday School assists parents. The most effective teachers are parents. Each week the kids are given a lesson sheet used in class, and that they can take home. Ask your kids for it so you can see and discuss what they’ve learned. Also, please let Pastor or the Sunday School know if we can assist you with any other study materials.

3. For the rest of us, Sunday School offers a chance to serve our Lord:

• With today’s schedules it is difficult to commit to being a full time Sunday School teacher. Therefore, this year we will try something a little different. We will open the schedule up so that the weeks you are able to teach, you can sign up and prepare for.

• If you are interested in teaching, leading music, helping out with crafts, or helping in other areas, please let me know. I already have a list of people from the Time and Talent surveys. I need email addresses.

• Consider sharing your faith and offering your talents, not because the Lord needs you, but because teaching God’s lambs are a blessing to you.

Question one: Is regular, consistent, Sunday School attendance important?

Question two: Does regular, consistent study of God’s Word, on Sunday mornings, in childhood, lead to regular consistent study of God’s Word as adults?

The answer is in God’s Word: Proverbs 22, verse 6: ‘Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.’

- Jay Bailey, Sunday School Superintendent


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