An Eternal Inheritance

1 Peter 1:3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade-- kept in heaven for you.

We do not hope for a blessing or an inheritance that is far off. But we live in the hope of an inheritance that is just at hand, and that is imperishable as well as undefiled and unfading. This blessing is ours henceforth and forever, although we do not now behold it. These are powerful and excellent words; whosesoever mind they enter into, he will, I imagine, not be greatly anxious about worldly goods and pleasure. How can it be possible that one who assuredly believes this, should yet cling to perishable possessions and desires? If worldly goods are presented in contrast with this, it is seen at once how these things all pass away and endure but for a time; but this inheritance alone lasts forever and will never be used up. Besides, the worldly things are all impure and defile us, for there is no man so devoted that worldly prosperity will not soil his purity. But this inheritance alone is pure, whoever has it is forever undefiled; it will not fade, it endures and does not decay. All that is on earth, however hard it be, is yet changeable, and has no permanence. On earth there is no pleasure that will not at length become irksome, for we see that men grow weary of all things: but with this blessing such is not the case. It is certain that our inheritance is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading. It is only for a little while concealed from us, until we close our eyes and are buried, when, if we believe, we shall surely find and behold it.

- Martin Luther


  1. ".....for there is no man so devoted that worldly devotion will not soil his purity."

    I know I think about money too much as I'm trying to "catch up" on my retirement savings.


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