The Sabbath Day

I was asked the other day in Bible Class about the Seventh Day Adventist Church. One of the main tenents of the Seventh Day Adventists is that they believe that worship of God must be on the seventh day, the Sabbath, Saturday.

I found an answer to the question about the Sabbath Day while looking on the WELS Q&A section of their website. I am sharing the answer with you for your own knowledge of why most Christian denominations have chosen Sunday, the first day of the week, to be our Sabbath Day of rest and worship. Also, the next blog will be about taking back Sunday as our day of rest and worship.

The Sabbath Day

Question: Why and where was the seventh day for rest and worship changed to the first day?

Answer: In his sermon, “How Christians Should Regard Moses,” Luther states a principle of biblical interpretation: “It is not enough simply to look and see whether this is God’s Word ... rather we must ... see to whom it has been spoken.” Even though the Third Commandment explicitly commands, “Remember the Sabbath Day by keeping it holy” (Exodus 20:8), and even though that Sabbath was clearly Saturday, yet as New Testament believers we are neither bound by a Saturday Sabbath, nor is Sunday its New Testament replacement.

Let me explain. The Ten Commandments offer us a summary of God’s unchangeable will, which he also wrote on everyone’s heart. These commandments show what it means to love God with all our heart and our neighbors as ourselves.

However, remember also that the Ten Commandments were spoken to Israel as God led them from Egypt to Canaan. In several places the commandments’ outward form had specific application only for Israel until Christ came.

Look at the Fourth Commandment. Those who obeyed parents were promised long life in Canaan. Notice how Paul omits any reference to Canaan when he repeats that commandment in Ephesians 6:2.

So also, in the Third Commandment, the outward form, a day of rest with all its corresponding laws, was meant for Israel until Jesus’ day. Paul shows that clearly in Colossians 2:16,17, “Do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.” The Sabbath’s physical rest was primarily a picture of spiritual rest to be won by Jesus. That is reflected in Christ’s words in Matthew 11:28, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give your rest.”

Therefore, Saturday is no longer a Sabbath commanded by God, nor is Sunday its replacement. Although Christians could have chosen to gather on any day (or every day!), in perfect gospel freedom Christians typically gather on Sunday for worship. We do this not to establish a new required Sabbath. Rather, Sunday reminds us of the day our Lord stepped victoriously from the grave.

But that leaves an unanswered question. If the outward form of this commandment was binding only on Israel, where does it reflect God’s unchanging will? Luther taught that beautifully in the catechism, reminding us that we should not “despise preaching and his Word, but regard it as holy and gladly hear and learn it.” Even for Israel the heart of the Sabbath wasn’t merely to sit idly for 24 hours. Through that day’s sacrifices they contemplated their need for a Savior and God’s answer in the seed of Abraham.

The heart of this commandment still speaks of our attitude toward God’s Word. The Third Commandment reminds us that love for God also means loving his revelation of law and gospel, which convicts and comforts hearts.

Thankfully, convicted of our failure to “gladly hear and learn the Word, we remember that he who was found enraptured by his Father’s Word in his Father’s house perfectly fulfilled this commandment. What is more, he died and rose to free us from our guilt of neglecting God’s saving Word. Isn’t that all the more reason to “remember the Sabbath Day” as we “regard as holy” the Word of such a Savior?

     - Richard Gurgel is a professor at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, Mequon, Wisconsin.

Have a question you want answered? Send it to 2929 N Mayfair Rd, Milwaukee WI 53222; Look on-line at Q & A for more questions and answers.


  1. Wonderfully said....
    First of all I would like to make a correction on the commandment...Keeping Sabbath day Holy is not 3rd commandment but 4th. First 4 commandments for God and last 6 for fellow being. I am sure that u wil agree that we should not lie, dont klill, honour parents, and the rest when all others should be kept why not the sabbath one???
    Sabbath reminds us of God's wonderful creation and that He is in control. and there are many prophecies foretold by God that we should keep His sabbath that he made for us and dont be surprise that it also says that when we go to heaven all flesh willl gather to worship His name on the sabbath day. Comment back if u want to know more God's truth. Do not decieved my brother. Satan is working cunningly.

  2. I hear what has been said about this day however the laws were given for all to obey, keep and respect them.On Mathew chp 5 v 17: Jesus himself claims that there's not even a single one of the laws that will be change until the new Heaven & earth revieled. Now according to my understanding that hasn't happened yet and for that regard when Jesus was crusifide the bible states that that day was before the Sabbath day and yet today we call that a Good Friday wich simply means that the day before Sabbath day is Friday Mark chp 15 v 42. Then he rose from the grave according to the bible on the first day of the week Mark chp 16 v 1 states this event transpired after the Sabbath day and the world is calling that day Easter Sunday wich simply means that according to the bible the fisrt day of the week is Sunday and the last day of the week is Saturday wich in other words is called the SABBATH DAY

  3. Saturday is and has been the Sabbath, the seventh day, People are been deceived because they want to, they want to carry out their religion to their convenience and not to the will of GOD, blessing to all.

  4. You have no scriptures to prove your point.Sabbath seventh day is mentioned in scripture more than thirty times.Must be important if the word mentioned it that many times!
    Read 1 John chapter 2.
    Praise Yahshua for the Sabbath!


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