Battle Hymn of the Reformation

In celebration of the 493rd Commemoration of the Lutheran Reformation of the Church, you will find a video of the Battle Hymn of the Lutheran Reformation – “A Mighty Fortress is Our God.”

Christian Worship: Handbook explains about the hymn: It was a hymn of great comfort to Luther and his followers because when he was discouraged he would often invite his friends to sing it for courage and strength and he apparently sang it regularly while being sheltered at the Coburg castle. Called the “Marseillaise Hymn of the Reformation” by the 19th-century literary figure Heinrich Heine, the hymn spread rapidly throughout Germany. Philipp Melanchthon, Justus Jonas, and Casper Cruciger, during their banishment in 1547, were comforted by hearing a young girl sing it in Weimar. It was sung at the Diet of Augsburg. Gustavus Adolphus caused it to be sung by his army before the battle of Leipzig in 1631. It has been translated into a host of other languages, with over one hundred English translations alone.

Amazingly, it is even in the Catholic hymnal.



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