Lutheran Airlines

Emperor Charles, V, suffered unprecedented rage when Martin Luther boldly testified before king, council and world, "My conscience is bound to the Word of God. I neither can nor will recant anything, for to act against my conscience is wrong and dangerous. Here I stand! I cannot do otherwise. God help me."

No one cried, "Revolution." No terrorist group surfaced. Luther stood alone ready to suffer the punishment of church and government rather than God's wrath. He would not compromise his conscience or God's Word. Luther believed that God's Word was the Greater Authority. The church did not die for him. The emperor did not die for him. Only Jesus Christ went to the cross carrying his sins. God was Luther's Fortress and salvation.

He who fears the LORD has "a mighty fortress." If you admit and confess that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior, you can be confident that you will be under attack. Be bold in Christ. Heaven is not for cowards.

Appreciate being a Lutheran.


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