Families of the Bible

Families of the Bible

A New Sunday Morning Bible Study

Isn’t it extraordinary that God describes Himself in family terms, as a Father and a Son? Or maybe it’s the other way around – that God’s wonderful design for our lives is derived from His holy identity? Isn’t it extraordinary that the Savior came into our world just as we did – born wet and naked, defenseless, scared, and hungry – and that His first needs were met by … a mother and stepfather?

God has created us to have relationships. With Him. And with each other.

You are invited to a new Sunday morning Bible study about these familial relationships entitled, “Families Rooted in Grace.” We will explore familiar biblical family relationships – from Adam and Eve to Mary and her son, Jesus – and the challenges those families faced. Each lesson extracts Scripture truths from a biblical family circumstance and applies them to contemporary family life. The topics covered in Families of the Bible will likely apply to every family at some time. 

Families of the Bible

Starting Sunday, September 15 at 9:15 am

In the church basement

Sept 15: Made for Each Other: The Story of the First Family (Adam and Eve)
Sept 22: Alone against the World: Noah and His Family
Sept 29: Blessed is the Family That Puts God First: Abraham, Sarah and Isaac
Oct 6: Salt that Lost its Saltiness: Lot and His Family
Oct 13: Rivalry and Reconciliation: Jacob and His Family
Oct 20: Train a Child: The Families of Hannah and Eli
Oct 27: Fallen, Yet Forgiven: David's Sin and Its Consequence for His Family
Nov 3: Holding On While Letting Go: Mary's Relationship with Her Son Jesus

Learn from our heavenly Father how to love your siblings, forgive your spouse and train your children. Learn from God, who never stops loving you, claiming you, cleaning you up, and beaming approvingly on you. After all, your picture is on His fridge!


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