The Right Road?

Will the Road You Are On Get You to My Place?

  - God

Sometimes life seems like an expressway — fast and furious, stressful and confusing. Sometimes life seems like a deserted road — dusty and difficult, with few who really care. Still, at other times, life seems like a mountainous road — twists and turns, hills and valleys.
What road are you on right now?

More importantly, is the road you are on leading you to heaven?

Let us help you at Epiphany Lutheran Church. Come to our Bible Inquirer’s Class entitled, “In the House of the Lord,” so you may see how God has put you on the right road.

Along our travels in this class, you will discover some amazing sights along the way: the valley of darkness that has been overcome by the cross on the hill; the desert of sin that springs with life through Jesus’ forgiveness; the swamp of guilt, the fires of anger and the hills of hate that will all be in your rearview mirror as you travel down the road to the glorious city of God in heaven that awaits all those who believe in and worship Jesus as their Savior.

This class is an excellent way to learn or review the basic teachings of the Bible. Whether you are new to reading the Bible or have studied the Bible for years, you will learn something new and your faith will be increased. Ask any question. Get straight Biblical answers. Participate or just listen.  This class is fun, free, and Biblically informative. You won’t be disappointed.

You get to open your Bible and see Jesus — the only way to heaven (John 14:6). Find direction for your life right now. Find forgiveness in Jesus right now. And find certain hope right now.

Come over to Epiphany for this Bible Inquirer’s Class. It’s worth the drive! It’s not heaven … but you can see heaven from here!

Epiphany Lutheran Church
2921 Olive St, Racine
262-637-5182 /
Bible Inquirer’s Classes
2013 Fall Session Classes — A 12 Week Course
When:  Classes begin Thursday, September 19 from 7:00—8:15 pm
Where:  Epiphany Church basement
Who:    Everyone who has questions.  Bring a friend!
What should you bring:    Just your enthusiasm to learn the Bible.
What should you wear:    Dress casual (the pastor usually does).
Can you ask questions:    Absolutely! That’s what this class is for.
Pre-register now by calling Pastor Zarling (994-2711)
Everyone who attends receives a free Bible. This no-obligation class is taught in a casual setting and free childcare is available. Please contact us if you will need childcare.



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