God has made a promise to you

“Partners in God’s Promises”
Wisconsin Lutheran School
Christmas Service

Sunday, Dec 15
2:30 & 4:00 pm

At First Evangelical Lutheran Church

728 Villa St, Racine

It is an amazing story that has been promised since the beginning of time. The promise of the Savior was first given to Adam and Eve, and passed on through Abraham and Moses, and the generations that followed.
The promise was fulfilled when a bright start blazed in the sky and a glorious angel announced to shepherds, “Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you – He is Christ the Lord!” God had come to earth in the form of a baby to offer us the gift of eternal life. Now this promise has become ours.
You are invited to First Evangelical Lutheran Church as our Wisconsin Lutheran School children remind us that we are “Partners in God’s Promises.” Worship with our WLS children at 2:30 or 4:00 pm on Sunday, December 15. This promise is for you!


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