
While this time of year is filled with laughter, parties and music, there are still many people who feel a deep sense of loneliness – perhaps brought on by this time of the year.
Perhaps your children have grown up and moved out. Or maybe your spouse has died or you have suffered a divorce, leaving you alone in your home. Or perhaps you are estranged from your siblings or parents. Or there could be a whole host of reasons.
Do you feel lonely?
This Sunday God reveals His solution to humanity’s loneliness. This solution is found in the person of Jesus Christ, for He is Immanuel – God with us. Because of our sin, we could not go to God … so God came to us into our world. And now, because of our Savior – our Immanuel – we can go to be with God … for eternity into His heaven.
Come to Epiphany this Sunday to worship our Immanuel. He has come for you. Now He is inviting you to come to Him.

Worship times are 8:00 am and 10:30 am


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