Stewards Need God’s Wisdom

As stewards, we have the responsibility to be knowledgeable and wise. In order to be effective in our stewardship, we need to seek God’s wisdom. “For the Lord gives wisdom and from his mouth comes knowledge and understanding” (Proverbs 2:6).

God’s Word illustrates the poor consequences that result when we think and act foolishly. For example, in Matthew 6:26-27, we read of the man who built his house on the sand, and, when the rain came, the house came crashing down. Wisdom teaches us to build our houses on solid ground.

Yet another example of not acting with wisdom is the Parable of the Ten Virgins. Five virgins did not remember to bring enough oil so they missed the wedding celebration. By not thinking ahead, they missed the festivities. Jesus condemned these people for their lack of preparedness. 

Jesus uses the Parable of the Rich Fool to point out more foolishness. In this parable, Jesus tells us about a successful farmer who built bigger barns for the purpose of becoming wealthier. Jesus called him foolish because he didn’t acknowledge God as the provider of all that he had. When God took his life, his wealth was meaningless.

Just as Jesus is critical of foolish thoughts and activities, he praises those who act wisely. In the Parable of the Shrewd Manager, Jesus praises the dishonest steward for how quickly and astutely he handled things when he was told that his job was coming to an end. Although the Shrewd Manager was dishonest, Jesus said there are even things that unbelievers do that we as believers can learn from and do. After the master told the Shrewd Manager his job would be ending, he became very wise, creative, and alert with his master’s money, and he assured himself of his temporary earthly future. In the same way, we can use the money God has given us to make friends who will welcome us into eternal dwellings.

As God’s stewards, we can best fulfill our calling when we seek and use his wisdom. With God’s wisdom, we will build on solid ground; we will acknowledge God as our source of all things, and we will be prepared for Christ’s coming again. Because God grants us his wisdom, we can be God-pleasing stewards.


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