The Festival of the Epiphany of Our Lord

The Wise Men opened their treasure boxes and laid their gifts at the Christ Child’s feet – gold, incense, myrrh. Gold fit for a king. Incense fit for God. Myrrh, the fragrance of death, the oil of burial. This little King who is God in the flesh has come to suffer and die. These were precious, costly gifts. Not leftovers or spare change. Something brought intentionally. Something fit for a king.
You are invited to join with the Wise Men to worship the Christ Child once again at the Festival of the Epiphany of Our Lord. The Festival of the Epiphany is always celebrated on January 6 and is one of the oldest festivals in the Christian Church. This year we celebrate Epiphany with music provided by the WLS Grades 3-5, as well as choirs from Epiphany and First Evan Lutheran Churches.
We bring the Christ Child our gifts of time, respect, worship, prayers and praise – gifts brought intentionally – gifts fit for a King.
The Festival of the Epiphany
Monday, January 6 at 6:30 pm

Epiphany Lutheran Church


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