Living Water

The Gospel lesson for the 2nd Sunday in Lent is the account of Jesus asking for water at Jacob’s well in Samaria, recorded in John 4:4-26. Stefano Erardi (1630-1716) created the painting of “Christ and the Samaritan woman.” Stefano was a French artist in the 17th century whose work was mainly in the Mannerism style. This painting is now at the National Fine Arts Museum in Malta.
As you focus on the details of the painting, you notice the Samaritan woman’s reaction of surprise as expressed by her hand placed against her chest as though in disbelief. Christ points a finger – not in accusation – but to communicate His innocent request for some water. Though He is the Messiah, He still portrays an expression of humility and compassion for this woman. It is hot in the noonday sun. Christ wishes for her find refreshment by drinking deeply from the water of life He is providing her – not in Jacob’s well, but in Himself and in His words.
Christ offers living water to you in His house of worship. He points His finger at you. He knows who you are and what you have done. But that is why His finger is extended – to invite you to come closer. He speaks to you. You have every right to be afraid, for you know who you and what you have done. But that is why He speaks to you – to draw you closer to Him so He might forgive you. 
The world today is much like Samaria – a place of religious confusion. You are very much like a Samaritan woman – your life is a mess, your marriage is falling apart, you are uncomfortable, unhappy, misunderstood … looking for water in the noonday sun.
Too often you choose to quench your thirst in whatever feels right at the time. This may temporarily satisfy you, but the guilt and shame will leave you even thirstier when you are done.
That’s why coming to Jacob’s well in your local church is so vital. It is a place of respite in a world gone mad. It is an oasis in a parched desert. It is refreshment in the blistering heat of the noonday sun.
Each week in church, Jesus is sitting by the well of the baptismal font – the font that He dug with His own death and resurrection and filled with His water of life. Living water that washes you clean of your inborn and daily sins. Jesus is at the communion rail – inviting you to eat and drink once again of His body and blood so that you may have life in Him. Spiritual food and drink that gives you strength to live in this parched and dreary world of sin and death. Jesus is at the altar, the lectern and the pulpit – offering His words of life eternal. You are invited to drink deeply of His living words of forgiveness in the absolution, Gospel, sermon and benediction.
It was no coincidence that Jesus was there at Jacob’s well that day in Samaria. And it is no coincidence that Jesus is in your church. He has come for you. He has come to give you a gift. “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water” (John 4:10). Drink deeply of Christ’s Living Water. Stay connected to Him daily, weekly, continually, for life. For this is Living Water in the noonday sun. 


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