Triumph at the cross

It’s hard to think of anything more central to the Christian faith than the cross of Jesus Christ. That’s why it was interesting to find that the word “cross” is only used 12 times in the Epistles. Though the word “cross” is used relatively few times by the apostles, still the cross is central to the Bible and integral to our Christian faith.
Lent is a time for us as Christians to consider what it means to follow One whose greatest achievement in life was His death. Some in our world come to the conclusion that this message of God dying on a cross is pure foolishness. Others are offended by the cross. Still others are so opposed to the cross that they hate it with vehemence.
Christians act in different ways toward the cross, as well. Some understand that there are enemies of the cross who will persecute them for their Christianity. So, they avoid confrontation. Others understand the great act of salvation that was worked by God at the cross and appreciate that their litany of sins have been cancelled and wiped clean on Calvary. They are emboldened in their faith and boast loudly about the cross and their Savior.
Lent is a beautiful time to discuss all of these reactions to the cross of Jesus Christ. Midweek Lent worship at 6:30 pm.
3/5    Pastor Zarling               Foolishness of the cross

3/12  Pastor Burgess            Cancellation at the cross           

3/19  Pastor Wierschke        Enemies of the cross

3/26  Pastor Janke                Boasting of the cross

4/2   Pastor Roekle               Offense of the cross

4/9  Pastor Dolan                  Avoidance of the cross


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