Eternal peace from an eternal God!

Revelation 1:8 “’I am the Alpha and the Omega,’ says the Lord God, ‘who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.’”

Are you enjoying the national uncertainty? What will nationalized health care do to our country? Will America ever recover from this financial recession? Will there be another terrorist attack on American soil?


Of course, all of us have to deal with uncertainties. Will our job remain stable? Will our health be okay? How will we be able to deal with that struggling relationship?


And of course there’s the big one – death, and all the questions it brings. Will it be quick or slow? Will there be pain involved? Will my loved ones be okay after I leave this world?

Uncertainty! Ugh! I would guess that most of us like uncertainty about as much as we like having a tooth pulled.

What does God say to us? He simply reminds us about Himself – who He is. The Risen Savior is “the First and the Last.” Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega. He is the A and the Z. He is without beginning, without end. He is symbolized in Epiphany’s red eternal candle that never goes out.

God says to us, “I AM, I always HAVE BEEN, and I always WILL BE.” He is the eternal God, the God of history. You have nothing to worry about. Jesus is in control. He always has been. He always will be.

God knows how everything will turn out. In fact, He’s even now using His Almighty power to guide all those things in the way that’s best for you, and even now He knows how all those things about which we’re worried will end up bringing good to us. So all of our worries? They end up melting away into a simple truth – our God is ETERNAL!

So even in the midst of all this uncertainty, we can have peace!


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