We Stand on Holy Ground

We stand on holy ground. We stand between death and life, between the font and the altar, between the darkness of Christ’s death and the light of Christ’s resurrection. On this most holy night, we keep an Easter vigil. This is the night before Christ the life arose from the death. The seal of the grave was about to be broken, and the morning of the new creation was about to break forth.

This is the time to reflect upon the paschal life – the life of the living Lord Jesus Christ, a life so real you can eat it in His Holy Supper; a life so real you can bathe in it in His bath of regeneration and renewal in the Holy Spirit in Holy Baptism.

In the washing of Baptism, we have real peace. It’s the peace purchased on Good Friday with the blood of Jesus for the sins of the world – backed up by His Easter resurrection.

In the eating and drinking of the Lord’s Supper, we have real peace. It’s the peace won by Jesus’ body broken on the cross and His blood shed for humanity – backed up by His Easter resurrection.

In the Gospel we have real peace. It’s the peace that Christ distributes to each of us when we hear, read, and examine His Gospel message – backed up by His Easter resurrection.

This Saturday evening is no ordinary evening. This eve before Christ’s resurrection is special. It is holy. It is the bridge between death and life, between darkness and light, between sorrow and joy.

We stand on holy ground.


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