Tanzanian Lutherans rightly disagree with Swedish & American Lutherans

If you have been paying attention to the religious world, you will have noticed that there has been a lot of discussion about same-sex marriages. Lutheran Church bodies across America and Europe have thrown out the truth of Scripture and substituted the lies of the world.

I find it poignant that decades and centuries ago, Europe and America sent misssionaries to Africa to call the people out of the darkness of unbelief. Now it is the African Lutheran Church who is pointing out sin and false doctrine, and calling people in Europe and America out of the darkness of unbelief.

The devil has been digging his claws into churches and fiddling with doctrines for millenia. Christ's truth will always defeat evil! "You will know the truth and the truth will set you free!" (John 8:32)

Every time we read a story like this one, thank God that we have been called into a Lutheran Church Body that still holds to the truth of every Word of Scripture.

Here is a portion of a story written by Mkinga Mkinga in The Citizen. Source

The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania (ELCT) has distanced itself from the recognition of same-sex marriages by Lutheran churches in the US and Sweden.

The head of the ELCT, Bishop Alex Malasusa, said during his Easter Mass sermon at the Azania Front Church in Dar es Salaam that the local church did not support the decision because it was against God’s word.

He said Lutheran churches in the US and Sweden had strayed from the Scriptures, and it was up to Africa to bring them back into line.

“ELCT has refused to recognise the decision to allow same-sex marriages because it is against the Holy Bible. It is in direct contravention of God’s word, which has not changed,” Bishop Malasusa said.

He added that Tanzania and Africa had taken a common stand on the issue and would not waver.

“It’s time Africa preached to the rest of the world and remind them of God’s word because it seems they have forgotten what the Bible says,” Bishop Malasusa said amid cheers from worshippers who attended the Mass. To avoid undue influence from the US and Sweden, Bishop Malasusa urged the church in Tanzania and across Africa to strive for financial and economic independence.

“We should be independent so that they don’t use their money and wealth to threaten us…we should leave them with their money and stick to the word of God,” he said.


  1. "......thank God that we have been called into a Lutheran church body that still holds to the truth af every word of scripture."


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