Divine Call Extended

Last Tuesday, as I was preparing to leave for the visitation with the Tangerstroms at the funeral home, I received a phone call. It was from the president of Bethlehem Lutheran Church and School in Hortonville, WI. He told me that at their voters meeting the night before, Bethlehem had extended a Divine Call to be their associate pastor.

This is why in Sunday’s sermon I mentioned that sometimes God’s timing does not appear to be our timing. Why sometimes it seems like God is piling one thing on top of another. Why sometimes God may place a challenge in front of us to overcome so that we do not focus on the setback or tragedy that was behind us.

I encourage you to read/watch Sunday’s sermon to learn more.

The way the Wisconsin Synod extends Divine Calls is not like the Reformed or non-denominational churches where a pastor may interview or send in a resume to another church. It is not like the Catholic church where they move priests around from one parish to another.

On Monday evening, the voters at Bethlehem had a list of six names of pastors who have the God-gifts and abilities to fill the need for their vacancy. My name was on that list. Now I am holding two calls: to remain the pastor at Epiphany and Wisconsin Lutheran School or to become the associate pastor at Bethlehem.

A pastor will typically take between 3 to 6 weeks to deliberate his Divine Call. This is the time for the pastor to pray about and decide where God wants him to serve – at his present call or by accepting his new call.

This is a time for all of you at Epiphany and WLS to refocus on our ministry together. Are we all doing what God wants us to be doing? Are we accomplishing all that we can be accomplishing? Are we “good” at what we do at Epiphany and WLS and can we become “great”?

Please pray for me, for my family, for Epiphany and WLS, and also for Bethlehem Church and School. They are hurting right now. They need some healing. Much of what Epiphany experienced 6 to 10 years ago is what it appears they are experiencing now.

And please talk to me about the call. Email, text, or Facebook me. You can even talk to me the old-fashioned way – face-to-face. Let me know what we have to do together here and how you are going to be involved in the ministry. Or you can let me know why this is a Divine Call I should accept. I appreciate it all.

This is a time that God has given us to re-evaluate our ministry – so we aren’t just “doing church,” but we “are the Church!”

I will be posting articles, devotions and Bible studies on the Divine Call on Facebook and my blog. Please read and digest them. We will also study the Divine Call as a congregation on Sunday morning, July 11 at 9:15 am in place of our regular Bible study. Please attend!

As in all things, God’s will will be done!

In Christ’s service,
Pastor Zarling


  1. Did you say the call was from Hawaii? That might make the decision easier.:D Seriously, I suppose I would go if I knew that the other five that were called were not competant or if I were no longer effective at Epiphany.

    When I was married I just did what my wife wanted. :) It didn't save my marriage though.


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