Sad News in Finland

I’m sharing this story I received from Cyberbrethren. I would encourage you to click on the link to read more on the comments by the new bishop of Finland. New bishop of Finland

I was thinking about the sad state of affairs of Lutheranism in Finland while we were confessing the Nicene Creed yesterday in worship. I was disheartened that there were bishops in Finland who could not recite or affirm the Nicene Creed. I purposely looked around to see how many of our adult members, even fourth graders, who were reciting the Nicene Creed from memory.

Sad News from Finland: First Woman Bishop Elected Who Can’t Even Recite, or Affirm, the Nicene Creed!

From my friend, Pastor Tapani Simojoki:

Dear Paul,

"I don’t know if this crosses your news threshold these days — bad news in the Church are two-a-penny these days — but it’s a significant piece of news anyway, which I thought I ought to share:

"Irja Askola was today elected as bishop of Helsinki, the first woman to become a bishop in Finland. She replaces Dr. Eero Huovinen, who retires this year after 19 years in office.

"Having been ordained in 1988 (as one of the first women to be ordained in Finland) Askola is currently diocesan secretary in the diocese of Espoo, and has previously worked as an assistant pastor in Helsinki and in the European Conference of Churches. She has previously never held a leadership position. She will be consecrated on 12 September 2010.

"It was depressing watching her, during the ‘campaign’, squirm and prevaricate when asked about the Virgin Birth: “Well, it’s in the Creed and I happily say the Creed in church, but it’s not a doctrine that’s central to me. I’m not really sure what it means.” (My paraphrase) Then again, none of the candidates (2 women and 5 men) was able to recite the Nicene Creed from memory when cold-called by a journalist. Dark times!"

We hold to and confess the ancient Creeds in our worship for they demonstrate that Lutheranism is deeply anchored in the historic doctrine of biblical Christianity. It embraces the faith of the Church through the ages and rejects all the errors the Church has rejected.

Lutheranism is not a new faith, but a continuation of the historic, Christian faith of all times and all places. That is why we confess in the Apostles’ Creed that we are a part of the Holy Christian Church. With Christians of all times, and in all places, we confess what God’s Word teaches – nothing more and nothing less.

Lutheranism does not regard the traditions and teachings of the Fathers of the Church as equal to Scripture, but always subject to evaluation in light of Scripture. It is not about throwing away the past, but about retaining and preserving the best, while filtering out whatever covers and contradicts God’s Word.


  1. I suppose then that the good part is that their churches are nearly empty every sunday.

  2. I read a devotion this morning by Pastor Jeske from Time of Grace Ministry that really struck home with what I posted today. Here it is:

    Your Enemy Is a Man of Lawlessness
    When you need emergency medical attention, you don’t have to worry about the competence of the doctors who attend you. In order to practice medicine in your state, doctors need to pass and maintain rigorous state board standards. You have no such government guarantees for church leaders, though. And herein lies one last sobering heads-up about your enemies – they have infiltrated congregations and church organizations, too. Our enemies are not only on the outside, but Satan’s sinister agents are sabotaging the church’s work from the inside as well.

    St. Paul described this “insider corruption” as a “man of lawlessness.” “The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs, and wonders and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing”(II Thessalonians 2:9-10).

    Don’t be surprised by acts of immorality among church leaders. Expect that some theological professors will abandon the truth and teach lies from hell. Anticipate that some ecclesiastical authorities will abuse people with their leadership and power. Hold fast to your Bible, trust God’s words completely, and hang on tight to the Savior that you find there. And then you will be safe.


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