Is Social Media Just a Fad?

Is Social Media just a fad? Watch the video and decide.

How are people communicating today? Texting, Facebook, email, etc. The apostle Paul wrote that he had become "all things to all people" so that he might possibly save some (1 Corinthians 9:22). It is this same philosophy that drives me and the members at Epiphany in the way that we conduct our Gospel ministry.

In the past few months the church has given me a new computer and Blackberry phone so that I can better stay in contact with people. I post devotional thoughts on this blog. I'm texting our members, especially the teens and college students, because that's their primary way of communicating. I email all of our members weekly. I'm getting better at posting to Epiphany's Facebook page. We post my written and video sermons, as well as daily WELS devotions on Epiphany's website.

Is it just a fad? Who knows. But God used a gentle whisper, a talking donkey, a burning bush, a formerly demon-possessed man, forgiven prostitutes, sanctified tax collectors, bright lights, voices from heaven, prophets, apostles, angels, epistles, etc. to share His Gospel message. We are going to use whatever means are available to share the Gospel message today.

Why do we go to all this trouble? Who knows what devotion on my blog, what posting on Facebook, what text, email or "snail mail" letter will touch somebody's heart so that the Holy Spirit can enter, convict and console. It is a lot of effort.

But all so that we might save some!


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