Joel Osteen is Dangerous

Joel Osteen may be one of the most popular TV preachers of today. However, he is a false prophet. He preaches a prosperity theology when the Bible teaches a theology of the cross.

A few months ago I was away with my family at a basketball tournament in Illinois. I was planning on leading a brief worship service on Sunday morning in the hotel conference room with all the players and parents. However, when I woke up, I started flipping through the channels and found Joel Osteen speaking. I jokingly told my wife that now I didn't have to go to church today because I was listening to a TV preacher.

I listened for about 15 minutes. In those 15 minutes I did not hear the name of Jesus mentioned. Not one single time. It was all about what we can do to influence God to give us stuff. Nothing about how Jesus has already delivered us from the desire for all this stuff with His atoning sacrifice and shed blood.

I definitely did need to go to the worship service that day, so I could once again announce to God my repentance for my sins and hear the announcement of His forgiveness. Through Jesus.

Click on the link to hear more: Joel Osteen


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