Run With Persistence

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us” (Hebrews 12:1).

There is an old proverb which says, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

I wonder if the great snipe, a bird which comes from the northern regions of Eastern Europe and Western Russia has a proverb which says, "The flight of 3,729 miles begins with a first flap."

Recently Swedish researchers from Lund University tracked a trio of great snipes as they set a record-breaking, non-stop flight of 3,729 miles. That's right. Those birds traveled over 3,700 miles and never set a foot on the ground.

If you like statistics, here's some: the birds stayed in the air for three days and averaged 43 miles per hour on their epic trip.

Somehow I doubt if the writer of Hebrews would be impressed. I say that because he wasn't concerned about birds; he was concerned about humans. That is why he encouraged, "Let us run with persistence the race marked out for us.”

He wanted his readers to know it was not how they began the race of their lives; it was how they finished that race. That was the important thing.

It is with great joy that on May 6 we welcome 5 youth confirmands who will be beginning their race as members of Epiphany Lutheran Church. Among other things, they will confess, “I am willing to suffer all, even death, rather than fall away from the faith in which I am confirmed.”

Do you remember the day of your confirmation? Go into the church basement to look at your confirmation pictures. Do you remember when everyone in your class said they would be faithful unto death so they could receive the crown of life?

Over the past 85 years, how many saints wearing their dresses, suits or white robes have since dropped out of the race?

Some got tired. Some thought the race was too long, too hard, too demanding. Whatever their reason, they no longer are running the race.

Let us pray for our confirmands. Pray that they will not be one of the dropouts. Pray that they will not be one of the statistics. Pray that through the Holy Spirit working through the Means of Grace in Word and Sacrament that will be able to throw off the temptations that hinders and so easily entangles.

Pray that they will learn a lesson from those who have dropped out of the race and are now standing on the sidelines.

Pray that they will learn a lesson from you, one of the faithful among the great cloud of witnesses, and keep on running.

By God's grace may they be given the strength to keep running ... to keep running when the temptations grow large, to keep running when the frustration seems overwhelming, to keep running when the goal seems too far away.

Especially at such times may the Holy Spirit give them the faith to keep on going. May He help them stay close to the Savior who loves all of His children, the Savior who gave His life to save fallen humanity, the Savior who remains running alongside all of us. The Savior who promise, “Never will I leave you. Never will I forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5).

Now that's a thought, isn't it? No matter how long or hard the race may be, Jesus is with you, matching you stride for stride. Jesus is there to lift you up, to speak words of encouragement, to help you to your ultimate goal.

Confirmed in Christ,
Pastor Michael Zarling


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