Mother's Day Prayer

Heavenly Father, sometimes the role of mother goes unappreciated and noticed, yet, thank you God, for showing us how valuable these women are in society, and in your precious sight. Thank you, God, for Your continued guidance so that we may teach our children to grow in ways that will make You proud, and thank you for helping us to be honorable vessels which teach by example, rather than mere word. Our thanks, God, may not always be immediate, but when our children have their own children, and we see that that the good ways we have taught them are again passed on to another generation, may our hearts be filled with gladness!

Heavenly Father, Lord of the Church, you give pastors the opportunity to teach their congregations once, maybe twice, a week about the goodness and guidance of Jesus. But you have blessed us with mothers who teach their children about Jesus with every decision they see their moms make, every TV show the children notice their mothers watch, every Bible passage magnet they read posted on the refrigerator, every voice inflection they hear mom use when they’re talking about the neighbors, every prayer they say with them at bedtime, every one of their “why” questions Mom answers with a hint of God’s handiwork.

The calling of called workers is a noble calling, mothers. God puts us both—clergy and mothers—in a certain place, for a certain time, with certain opportunities, to use certain gifts. Our assignment from God is the same: to prepare for this life those whom God gives to us, by first preparing them for eternal life. We take hands by first shaping hearts.

So, on this Mothers’ Day we clergy and congregation just want to say, “Thank you, Lord for mothers,” for helping to make our job so much easier. This we ask in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, who also showed a great love for His mother. Amen.


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