Do You Crave the Lord’s Supper?
Why do you go to Holy Communion? Is it just because
that’s what everybody else does? Do you attend because the pastor or elders
will get on your case if you don’t? Do you do go purely out of custom or habit?
Unfortunately, those may be some reasons why people do attend the Lord’s
Supper. Thankfully, we have a much better reason. Jesus tells us: “This is my
body given for you; do this in remembrance of me. This cup is the new covenant
in my blood, which is poured out for you.” (Luke 22:19-20)
In the Lord’s Supper Jesus gives us his body and blood for our
forgiveness. Take a moment to reflect on that. We hear it so often; we may take
it for granted. We may actually have a casual attitude toward the Lord’s
Supper. We may even have a “take it or leave it” attitude. Why would Christians
have such a ho-hum attitude toward such a precious gift from Jesus? Is it that
we take it too often? Should we limit our celebration of the Lord’s Supper to
only a few times a year so we appreciate it more when we do take it?
Hardly! (Using that same logic, you should only see
your family once or twice a year in order to appreciate them better. Or, your
favorite sports team should only win one or two games a season so that you
really appreciate it when they do win.)
No, a greater appreciation of the Lord’s Supper does
not come by limiting or cutting back on our celebrations of this
Sacrament. A greater appreciation of the
Lord’s Supper comes when the Holy Spirit guides us to a deeper appreciation for
our need for, and a deeper trust in, what the Lord’s Supper offers.
Why do we need the Lord’s Supper? Martin Luther
advised the “pinch test.”
Pinch yourself. If you still have flesh and blood, you
need the Lord’s Supper.
That means every Christian is still a sinner. Every
Christian still struggles every day trying to overcome their sinful nature. Every
Christian still feels the burden of guilt, shame and embarrassment before God
because of their sin. Every Christian needs that sin and guilt removed. That’s
why we need the Lord’s Supper
What does the Lord Supper offer? The simple answer is
Jesus. Yes, we have Jesus with us at all times through the Holy Spirit’s gift
of faith. But Jesus loves us so much that he comes to us in the special way of
the Lord’s Supper. He gives us his true body and blood. That’s miraculous power
we can’t get anywhere else. Taking the Lord’s Supper gives forgiveness. It assures
us that Jesus loves us. It’s pure gospel. The gospel in the Lord’s Supper comforts
our troubled consciences. The gospel in the Lord’s Supper lifts our sagging
spirits. It cheers our scarred hearts. It connects us to Christ in a spiritual
way and a physical way. It is also a
foretaste of heaven.
In September we are planning on starting every Sunday
Communion. This is the third in the series of articles in the Flash about the
Lord’s Supper. All of you are invited to attend a special Sunday morning Bible
study in July on Holy Communion.
By God’s grace may we truly crave the comfort and joy
offered in the true body and blood of Christ given and shed for us. By God’s
grace may we all rejoice to receive as frequently as possible the good news the
Lord’s Supper gives us: “Be of good cheer! Through faith in Jesus all your sins
have been forgiven.” That’s something wonderful to crave and receive. That’s
the right reason to go to Holy Communion.
Bible Study on the Lord’s Supper
in July at 9:15 am
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