Cannot serve two masters
People get nervous when the
preacher starts talking about money. Paul revealed one reason. The
world is full of religious quacks who go into the business of religion to make
easy money and get rich. For the sake of the gospel, Paul supported
himself. The other reason people get nervous: the preacher is talking
about their god and they are afraid he will expose their idol and take their
god away.
The draw to money is its perceived power. It’s liquid. Unlike a key that unlocks a specific door, money unlock lots of things – thing that give pleasure and that relieve discomfort. Money gives the illusion that it can buy happiness. Some love money and horde it, focused
on its potential power. Most love money because of the lifestyle it offers. Isn’t that why the young rich man went away sad (Mark 10:22)? He didn’t want to give up his creature comforts to follow Jesus.
The rich man in Jesus’ account commended his servant for acting shrewdly – performing with great practical intelligence. In the face of unemployment, he evaluated his resources and options and applied them to his goal of avoiding homelessness when he became unemployed. Jesus notes this is what the world is often better at than we who trust him who promised to provide for us. Since this is the only life they know, they are focused on maximizing it for their goals.
Realizing the foolishness of trying to serve two masters, Jesus calls us disciples to stop and think about what our priorities are in this life in view of eternity. When we do, our God given resources will flow in love to build relationships – bridges of love on which the gospel flows. The full impact of this priority will only be seen when in grace we are amazed how many people we touched with the gospel when they welcome us into our heavenly home saying, “Welcome friend. God used you to bring me here. Praise the Lord!”
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