Let’s Get Started
The Webster Dictionary defines Stewardship as “the conducting, supervising, or managing of something; especially the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one's care.”
In terms of our faith-life that means we consider everything that we have (money, possessions, talents) as something that has been entrusted to us by God and that is why it is important for us to be good stewards of all of our resources. It is also why it is important for us to use those resources in God’s ministry.
Generally when we think of Stewardship we think of giving of money to the Church. While that is an important way to support the Church it is not the only way to be a good Steward. Sharing your time and talents with the Church and building and nurturing relationships within the Church are an important part of being a good Steward. The opportunities can be as simple as helping with ushering or cleaning the church as mentioned by Scott Martyn the other day or you can talk to Pastor or a council member to find out what other opportunities we have to actively contribute to our ministry. You can also look for a wide variety of opportunities around the country and the world via WELS Kingdom Workers on WELS.Net.
Stewardship begins with prayer and an understanding that this concept is as old as the Scriptures. Although there are countless examples in the Old Testament of men and women using their gifts to honor God, our vision of stewardship is rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ. He prepared His apostles to carry on His teachings. "Come Follow Me" is not a suggestion; it is our mission as Christians. We use our gifts or talents to be disciples; to be the hands and feet of our Lord, to do what He would do if He were here in the flesh.
There are many ways to be a good Steward of what God has giving you and the hardest part is usually getting started. So, let’s look for an opportunity and get started.
- Rich Miller, Epiphany Stewardship Chairman
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