Christ the King
On this last Sunday of the Christian
Church Year, we are given two different pictures of Jesus – the King on His
throne in its glory and the King on His cross in its gore. In reality, they are
the same picture and the same throne. Jesus now sits in glory at His Father’s
right hand because He hung from Calvary ’s cross and endured
the wrath of His Father.
Do not look for a fancy, bejeweled
throne. He who takes a carpenter for a father, a manger for a crib, Nazareth for a hometown, and
tradesmen for followers, owns no riches. Actually, that’s not quite true. He
owns all the riches of the world, for He made them all. But He covets them not.
He covets only you. Your life, your soul, your good. And so for you He
willingly trades all these things. The devil in the wilderness showed Him all
the kingdoms of the world and offered them to Him (Matthew 4), but He did not
have eyes for these - only for you. For you are His Bride.
Worship Your Groom and King with us
this Sunday.
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